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May 15, 2021

Emma's Weekly Skin Boost Routine


Once a week (most often Sunday nights) I, like many others, like to upgrade my skincare routine to a skincare ritual and spend some extra time taking care of my face and body. I love to have this moment for myself, maybe do a nice foot soak, pluck my eyebrows and give my body a proper scrub-down.

Doing it on Sundays gets me mentally prepared for the week. I always start by double cleansing my skin using my Melting Cleansing Balm and Cleansing Facial Wash. So, wrap yourself in a fluffy bathrobe, pull back your hair and let’s go!

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1. Treatment Enzyme Peel 

I start with my 1-minute enzyme peel over my face and neck, avoiding the area closest to my eyes. Time to get rid of all those dull skin cells and turn up the glow. This peel dissolves and removes all dead skin cells on your skin’s surface, which makes it easier for your skin to absorb the up-coming products. Rinse with lukewarm water. 

(Note - you may feel a tingling or warm sensation or turn a little red – this is perfectly normal and will go away after a few minutes!)

2. Purifying Mud Mask

After the peeling I pat my skin dry and apply my Purifying Mud Mask. The Kaolin clay and Bamboo Charcoal “vacuums” my pores and gives you a deep cleanse without stripping the skin. The mask also includes hydrating Glycerin, pore minimizing Niacinamide and calming Oat oil. If you have sensitive skin or feel like it’s too much for you, you can also use the mud mask another day. I let it sit for 5-10 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.

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3. Treatment Niacinamide Formula

After the mud mask I apply my Treatment Niacinamide Formula – a magical product! I actually use it every day before my serum and night cream. The ingredient Niacinamide is a Vitamin B that has many skin benefits, including balancing your skin’s sebum (oil) production, improves skin’s elasticity and minimize pores and makes them less visible. 

4. Repairing Overnight Mask

I finish off by massaging my Repairing Overnight Mask all over face and neck (quite liberally!). The mask is absorbed by your skin and won’t stick to your pillow. It contains an algae extract that helps your skin cell renewal and boosts it with moisture. 

After that, the best beauty tip of them all – trying to get a full 8-hour sleep.